Hello!! I cannot believe 2014 is over. It seems like just a while ago I was doing a year end post for 2013. Where has the time gone??
I hope you all had an amazing year! I know every year has its ups and downs, but today on going to focus on all the ups and share some of my life in 2014 with you all!
I'm also going to do a post later this week about some things I'm looking for forward to in 2015. Some personal goals for myself, and a reflection on my goals that I set for this year!
I don't think anything too exciting happens in January other than having tons of snow where I live!
In February my cute little nephew was born!
I also said goodbye to my blond hair in February! I colored is super dark and now it has faded to an ombre ish look.
In May we celebrated our first wedding anniversary. It was on Mother's Day weekend, so for Memorial Day weekend we took a trip to Holland, Mi.
It was an amazing city and I loved it there. We also got to visit Lake Michigan.
We spent 4th of July with friends and had a great time.
For Labor Day we went to an art fair, it was super hot and way too crowded, but we got good pics!
In September my husband and I took a trip to Myrtle beach, SC
We got to visit Charleston, SC while we were there too! What a beautiful city.
This is random, but I read a ton of good books this year. These are just some of my favorites that I read.
Overall this was an amazing year and there were a lot of memories made with friends and family!
Making Christmas cookies with my mom and niece :-)
Got to see Wicked in Detriot! I've always wanted to see this play and I really loved it.
My work buddies ;)
Happy news years from me and my cat!
And here is some pictures from New Year's Eve!
I hope you all had an amazing year and thank you for reading!