You all know I love my Mac lipsticks. They are my favorite and probably always will be. But I found some dupes for a few that I own. All these drugstore ones I had in my collection already (why do I need two of the same color lipsticks??) so I thought I would share them incase anyone wants to try a cheaper alternative!
I will say though that I do perfer the Mac ones to the dupes, but these drugstore ones a great too otherwise I wouldn't bother showing them!
First up is Mac Creme Cup (left) and Rimmel Airey Fairy (right). The swatches look almost identical, and I think I actually owned the Rimmel one first. I bought it because of the name LOL!
Next is Mac Hug Me (left) and Maybelline Daringly Nude (right). Hug Me is a little more sheer and glossy, but it's buildable and it's a color that looks great over top of any lip liner. This is my most worn lipstick I own. Daringly Nude is from the Maybelline Matte Lipstick Collection.
Last is Mac Twig (left) and Maybelline Touch Of Spice (right). Touch of Spice is a tiny bit darker, but I always wear twig with a lip liner so it makes it slightly darker too. Touch of Spice is also from the Maybelline Matte collection!
So these are the 3 dupes I found, and if I find anymore I will definitely share them too!
I'm currently home sick in bed with a cold (AGAIN), so I didn't feel like doing any makeup looks today like I had planned! Also I've still been feeling like I've been slacking wth blog posts, and I'm sorry for that! I haven't been shopping for new makeup recently so I have nothing new to share or review. So I've been trying hard to think of some good posts for you guys with what I have. Does anyone else get bored with their makeup like I am right now lol?! Maybe that's why I'm having a hard time haha. Ok rant is over!
What are your favorite Mac dupes? Let me know in the comments!!