Monday, May 11, 2015

Fitness with Ashley | Grocery Haul

Hello!! Today's post is a little different than normal! I'm sharing a grocery haul, and I was inspired to do this by Renny from Sincerely Renny because she recently did one on her blog! I always liked to watch grocery hauls on YouTube for some reason too. I like to get new ideas of what to buy because I get so tired of the same things all the time.

So I hope you guys enjoy this post! And hopefully I will do more fitness with Ashley posts soon. I'm really trying hard to clean up my diet and get back into fitness. I'm such a yoyo ha ha ha. 

I like to buy organic food when I can h but haul does not have any unfortunatly because it was a quick trip for things I needed at some local stores who don't carry much of it. 
The top one is these 100 calorie flat breads by flatout. They are the everything flavor (like an everything bagel). My husband saw these at target and wanted to try them. I tried one this morning and I toasted it and it was delicious. 
Next is a pack of whole grain english muffins. 

Next is two packs of sliced white mushrooms, two avocados, a zucchini and a yellow squash. We eat a ton of mushrooms so I always keep lots handy. I plan to make tacos this week, so I got some avocados. And I am making stir fry tonight and I love zucchini and squash in it. 

I also like to keep a ton of fruit in my fridge too. I got cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, and bananas. We also eat bananas like crazy. I like to add fruit to my water, and I'm also making a quinoa salad with fruit in it for my lunch this week. 

And lastly I got some unsweetened vanilla almond milk. I use this for smoothies and overnight oats. The yogurt I got is from the brand Noesa. This is my favorite brand of yogurt. It's so freaking good I can't stand it. And some sliced turkey meat. 

I also wanted to share this homeamde trail mix I made this morning. It has sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds, peanuts, dark chocolate chips, toasted coconut flakes, Cheerios, and dried cranberries. Super easy to make and so yummy! 

I hope you all enjoyed my grocery haul! This was just a quick trip for stuff I ran out of. If you want to see more posts like this, let me know in the comments!