Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Eyeshadow Palette Collection + Update

Hello!! I wanted to give you all a quick update on what's been going on with me. I haven't posted much , or what I have posted hasn't been super exciting things. I haven't uploaded a video in a while either. Today I'm sharing a video on my eyeshadow palette collection, which I had pre recorder from a month or so ago. 

Anyways- I've been super sick for the past almost three weeks which is why my posts have been minimal. I've had a cold on and off for the past few weeks and it's been super annoying. I'll feel sick for a few days and then I'll be find and it keeps coming back. So on Saturday night I starting getting a sore throat and body aches again. Sunday and Monday  it was so bad and I was in so much pain so I finally went to the doctors. I have never in my life had a sore throat as bad as I did and body aches that bad either. I actually thought I had strep throat or the flu, but thankfully I didn't! I just had some kind of infection and now I'm on antibiotics and feeling better. 

So anyways sorry for the sickness rant but that's what's been going on and why I haven't posted much. I'm super bummed because for the past two weeks I've wanted to do some Halloween tutorial for my YouTube channel and haven't been able to. The only pre recorded video I have is my palette collection so I hope you all enjoy watching it. <3

I'll have some posts and videos up next week for you all!