Monday, January 18, 2016

Collection Clean Out | Foundations

Hello! I hope you all had a nice weekend. I haven't been present around blogs and social media much this past weekend so I'm sorry if I missed any of your posts and such!

I'm slowly starting to clean out and declutter my makeup collection. I cleaned my vanity and acrylic drawers and wiped down all of my makeup for the first time and god knows how long, and now it feels so nice to have everything clean. I did a bit of re organizing as well, so I am happy happy.

Anyways- I thought I'd do a new post series called 'collection clean out' as I start to get rid of thing. I'll do posts on the certain types of makeup, and today is foundations. These are all drugstore ones because I really haven't foundation any highend foundations yet except for one that I have disliked enough to not finish or toss it. 

I have a ridiculous amount of foundations. I'm throwing out 11 of them. Most of these are super old and most of them are ones that just didn't work for me. Even with these 11 gone, I still have a ridiculous amount but they are mostly all ones I love and foundations are one of my favorite types of makeup to try out so that's probably how I've accumulated so many. 

Revlon Colorstay- this was the first foundation that I loved. This is just old and I can't remember why I stopped using it. I actually want to try it again when I use up some of the ones I have. 
L'Oreal True Match Lumi- this didn't work for me. The coverage was too light and I bought it before I knew what kind of foundations worked/I like for my skin. 
Covergirl Stay Luminous- this wasn't a bad foundation. It just wasn't as long lasting as I like foundations to be so it got neglected and I just don't think I'll ever reach for it. 
Covergirl Tru Blend- again, not a bad one. The color wasn't right for me and I didn't get around to exchanging it so it got neglected. 
Neutrogena Healthy Skin- if you guys knew how old this was, you'd probably cringe. I don't know why I didn't trash it earlier. This didn't work for my skin either and if I remember correctly, I didn't like the light coverage. 

Maybelline Dream Wonder-  I very much disliked this one. It had s horrible perfume scent, and the coverage was too light. 
Rimmel Stay Matte Foundation- I actually really liked this one. It's a good full coverage one and similar to the Kat Von D foundation. I used this for quite a while but then it got neglected by other ones I liked better. Now it's too old. 
Nyx Invincilbe Fullest Coverage Foundation- this was a discussing mess and probably the worst foundation I ever used.
Covergirl Ultra Smooth- this is another one that wasn't horrible, but not my favorite. The coverage was too light for me. 
L'Oreal True Match- this is a cult favorite among the beauty community but I never cared for this one. I thought the coverage was too light, or the shade was too light- I can't remember. 
Covergirl & Olay Simply Ageless- this is another one that I actually liked at the time I was using it. But like the Rimmel one, it got neglected to others I liked better and now it's too old. 

So this is the first part of my collection clean out. There's still 3 foundations I have that I don't love but I'm not ready to get rid of yet. So you might see those at a later date. 

I probably won't be doing a post on any shadows, blushes, or bronzers because I cleaned some of those out last month and gave them to a friend since they were all in good condition. I didn't think to do a post on it so you'll probably see things like concealer, lip products, etc. next!