Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Lush Monthly | Cinders and Golden Wonder Bath Bombs

Hi :)
I have tons of Lush goodies to share, and  I want to do reviews for all of the items I picked up from my Lush Haul last week plus a few other items I've gotten recent-ish that I haven't reviewed yet. 

So I'm starting a new series again called Lush Monthly. I know I keep starting blog series because maybe it makes me feel fancy why not? I decided to do a monthly post sharing one or two things from Lush in this post series because some of these could be done in a skin care Sunday post, but some can't and this just seems more fun. 

Anyways- today I'm sharing my thoughts on two of the bath bombs that were in my Lush Haul. 

I mentioned in my haul video that I might have used this one before and now I'm pretty sure I did. This one is suppose to be 'sweet and spicy' with popping candies. It smelled a bit like cinnamon and a bit like citrus. 
The popping candies were fun and I liked the scent of this one. It dissolved pretty quickly which I prefer them to last longer. The water was a yellow/orange shade which didn't pick up well in the pictures. 

This one was okay. Smelled nice but I probably wouldn't repurchase it. 

Golden Wonder 
Golden Wonder shaped like a present so I thought that was cute. This one is described as zesty lime and sweet orange oil. A golden luster and sparkling turquoise explosion. 

This one also dissolved pretty fast, but the scent was amazing and left the water a pretty turquoise color. 
My favorite part was all these pretty star glitters were left after it dissolved. These also melted/dissolved after time which was nice so it didn't leave the tub messy.

I would definitely repurchase this one when it comes out again for Christmas time. 

Have you tried either of these bath bombs?  Which product would you like to see in my next Lush Monthly Post?