Anyways- I picked up a sample size of the Philosophy Ultimate Miracle Worker for 100 pts at Sephora. This is a multi rejuvenating nighttime serum-in-cream. I was excited to try this because I currently do not have a night cream that I'm using.
I'm going to spare you the boring product details on this because let's get right to the point- I did not like this.
I used it 4 or 5 times and I just didn't feel like it did anything for my skin. I felt like I had to use a ton of product just to make my face feel slightly moisturizered. I guess I could have tried a moisturizer on top since it's a serum in cream, but the last time I used it I was so annoyed that I didn't want to bother. I felt like it just didn't sink into my skin at all. If I rubbed my face, the cream that was sitting on top of my skin would ball up and rub off like dead skin. So this was a big no go for me. I also didn't care for the scent, which wasn't strong but just strange and kind of floral. At least it didn't do anything to irritate my skin.
I've tried a few delux sizes of Philosophy products and I've never really been impressed with any of them to be honest.
For now I'm going back to my normal skin care routine and in a week or so I'm going to test out a different sample of some sort!
Have you tried the Philosophy Ultimate Miracle Worker before? If so, leave your thoughts on it in the comments!