Friday, February 12, 2016

The Little Things #6

Hello! I hope you all had a good week. I'm happy that it's almost the weekend (I work Saturdays so Friday doesn't count for me!). 

I know I did a foodish/restaurant post for my last 'little things' but today I have another one. I wanted to share my favorite bakery that my husband and I go to frequently. 

There's something special about going to one of your favorite places, especially if they have delicious coffee and pastries. 

There really isn't much exciting things in the town I live in. It's small, most of the restaurants and stores are chain ones, etc. It's starting to get built up (slowly), but Crust Bakery is a little gem and I'm always so happy to have places like this close to me. I always feel like we have to drive 30-45 minutes to go anywhere special or unique. 

This picture is from Crust's website, I didn't take it myself! I just wanted to show its cuteness!

They have a huge variety of baked goods, breads, pies, etc. and they also have breakfast and lunch sandwiches, bagels, quiche, soups, and the best lattes. They also ship their baked goods throughout Michigan and to other states as well, but this is their only location. 

The inside is small, but cozy. I love the brick walls, and each table and chair is different from one another. 

It's me and my husbands favorite place to go together. Everything is so delicious. I wish I would have taken more pictures of the inside and the bakery display! Next time I go I will so I care share some more pictures in my next monthly update post! 

Do you have a favorite place like this that you love to go to? 

Extra bits 
-Today is my nephews birthday! The little man is turning 2!
-Sunday is my nieces birthday and she will be 5. She was a Valentine's Day baby. Their birthday party won't be until next weekend, but I'm sure there will be pictures on my Instagram. 
-I was sick last week, and I'm starting to feel better but it's lingering! Thank you for all your well wishes! Now hubby is sick. It's never ending!
-I kind of want to change the title to this series. I like 'the little things' but I don't know. I feel like some of the stuff I'm sharing or wanting to share might not fit anymore.