Tuesday, March 1, 2016

My Life in February

Hello! Happy March 1st everyone!

Even with the extra day in February, it went by super fast. I'm sure everyone can agree with me on that! Also- Happy Leap Year!

This is my second monthly life post of the year, and my question to you guys is if you actually like these post and enjoy reading them? I don't want to keep doing these if you guys would rather see more makeup/beauty posts instead. Just curious :)

February really wasn't super exciting other than some good news I'll talk about later in the post. We did get a snow storm last week and got like 16 inches of snow. That was not fun, but I did get to miss a day of work because of it!

My niece (5) and nephew (2) had their birthday party last month. Their birthdays are only two days apart so it's nice to be able to do one party for them since they are still little. My niece always wants barbies now, so that's super easy and fun for me!

My best friend also had her baby shower last month! Super fun and cute. The theme was bees and I loved that. Super excited to meet this little one next month!

I've basically been doing a whole lot of nothing and playing a whole lot of world of Warcraft. I made an Instagram for my screen shots of the game and I'm having so much fun with it. I like to take pretty screenshots of the scenery. I know, I am a dork. 

With being sick at the and of last month and beginning of this one (me and hubby both!) I slightly lost my motivation to workout and do yoga. Hopefully that will change and I'll stop being lazy this month. We just went grocery shopping and got a ton of yummy healthy food so I was kind of thinking of doing some what I eat in a day videos again to help with my motivation. 

Exciting news 
My husband and I bought a piece of property! We've been talking about moving for a year or so, and we knew we wanted some land out in the country. We are in a subdivision right now, which is fine, but we'd like more privacy and not so many association rules. We decided to buy property because we didn't find what we were looking for so next year we are going to start building a house. We want to pay the property off first before we build so I'm super excited. It's out in the woods and a little over 3.5 acres, which isn't huge but since it's all woods and no houses next to us, it's perfect. Also something kind of cool and random, we closed yesterday on Leap Day and four years ago on the last Leap Day we closed on our currently house we live in! I thought that was cool and it must be good luck! 

Also I'm sure you all have experienced or heard about m the mess with google+ comments! I've finally, after a few hours of figuring out how to disable Google comments and install disqus, have made the switch! I'm pretty sure I've lost all of my google comments in the process, but that's okay because I don't want to have to worry about it anymore! I'm also sorry if you left me and comment and I was unable to respond before it got deleted! Also, what blog platform do you guys use? I'm horrible with tech stuff so I'm not sure if I want to switch but I'm just irritated with everything. My blog actually got deleted last week due to a 'mistake in bloggers automated system that I was marked for violating terms'...wtf. I was able to get it back fast but still. 

Anyways- thank you all for reading! I'm looking forward to march and hope find that spring is coming soon! What was the highlight of your February? Let me know in the comments!!