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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Building a Mac Palette + How I Depot Mac Shadows

Today I'm doing a post on my first custom Mac palette! I have always wanted to make one and I finally decided to just purchase an empty palette. These palettes are pretty affordable at $8 and $2 for the insert, so if you have a lot of single Mac eyeshadows I think it's totally worth it. Not to mention you can take the empty cases back for the Back to Mac!

I had 8 single shadows that I depotted and put into the palette. I also have two duos that I was debating on putting in there but held back because I believe both were limited edition. 

How I depot my Mac shadows 
-what you'll need
Mac shadows, tweezers, a knife (but not really recommended) or something else with a small edge, and a candle. I've also seen this done in videos with a hair straightener. 

Step One 
I know this picture looks scary hahaha but it was really just for demonstration. Use your knife or small edge to pry the two parts of the plastic case apart. I ended up having my husband do this part for me because I didn't have anything else to use. The second time I did this, I just used my tweezers and they worked fine. 

Step Two 
Once the two plastic parts are separated, take the plastic part that the eyeshadow pan is in with your tweezers and hold it over the candle for a few seconds. -Ok this picture totally looks like I'm catching this on fire but I'm not LOL. This does get hot so be careful!

The back will get soft and start to melt after about 30 seconds. 

Step Three
Use your tweezers to push the eyeshadow pan out of the plastic. 

Also I wanted to take off this sticker from the back of the plastic case, so you can also hold the plastic case over the candle for a few seconds and then the sticker will come off super easy and not get torn!

So here is the end results of my palette! To make the pans stick, you can use double sided tape or a glue gun. I'm planning on making this mostly neutral on top with the bottom row more fun or dark colors!
(From left to right the colors are- Shroom, All That Glitters, Soft Brown, Honesty, Satin Taupe, Twinks, Three Ring Yellow, and on the bottom is Royal.) 
I'm super excited about this and I can't wait to fill it up!

What is your favorite Mac eyeshadow? Let me know in the comments so I can check it out! 


  1. This is such a great tutorial! The only thing I have from MAC are the lipsticks, but these colors are pretty!

    1. Thanks Pilar! I love Mac lipsticks! They're eyeshadows are great too

  2. I also only have Lipsticks from MAC and also their Fixed + Spray. I can't wait to start collecting the shadows!

    1. I love their lipsticks! I haven't tried the fix plus before though!

  3. Great tutorial. I've been buying my mac shadows without the case. They are $5 cheaper that way but you can't return them for the back to mac. I don't have a mac store anywhere near me so that part doesn't bother me.


    1. Thanks!! The only Mac store by me isn't a Mac Pro store so they don't carry just the pans. I will probably start buying them online now without the case so I can save money and just put them in my palette!

  4. This is awesome! I also love how each picture I looked at I was like OMG ASHLEY SCARY! And you disclaimered them right away so I was laughing :)

    1. LOL I debated on even posting those pictures because I was like people are going to think I'm crazy hahaah

  5. Awesome post !! you did a nice job doing it girl :) love your MAC palette !! xx

  6. Great post! I like using the candle method as well! Royal looks gorgeous!

    1. Thanks!! The candle works really well! Royal isn't as pigmented as it looks sadly!
