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Friday, March 21, 2014

Mac Pro Longwear Concealer Review

Hey hey!! I have been on the hunt for a new concealer for quite some time now. I have tried both high end and drugstore ones- some good some bad! Recently I picked up the Mac Pro Longwear concealer, which I have heard nothing but great things about! I have been using this for a month or two now so I thought it was time to do a review!

My problem is that I have pretty dark circles under my eyes that won't go away. And I also have a lot of fine lines that won't go away either. Lol. I've been trying out eye creams and wrinkle remedies like crazy (which I will do a seperate post on soon!) so I basically was looking for a concealer that covered my dark circles and did not settle into my fine lines!!

So what did I think of this Mac Pro Longwear concealer? Keep reading to find out! 

The color I was matched to was NC15. It's priced at $19.50

The packaging is nice. It's in a hard glass (I think?) bottle so it's pretty durable, and it has a pump. 

So here is the very scary picture with out any foundation or concealer on. I have really pale skin, so the dark circles and red stand out in my skin pretty well. And this picture doesn't even come close to what it looks like in person LOL. You can see right underneath my inner corner is the darkest so that's my problem area. 

After concealer and foundation is applied. You can see this really brightens my inner eye area and covers up any dark or redness. 

My overall thoughts on this concealer 
-I am actually really happy with this purchase. It covered my dark circles pretty well- almost all the way. 
-it doesn't settle into my fine lines either.
-it really brightens up my under eye area and makes me not look so tired in the morning. 
-it doesn't get cakey over or under foundation (which ever way you like to apply it). 
-it also covers problem areas like blemishes or redness really well too! 
-it's kind of liquidy consistency, but it's still pretty creamy. 
-it blends really well.
-it's a lot more pricey than a drugstore concealer, but if it's a good product I don't mind paying the money for it.  
-a little bit of this product goes a long way. 

My only complaint about this product is the pump. I was really excited about it at first because I like foundation packaging it pumps so I thought this would be great too. BUT you can't really control how much prodcut comes out with this pump. And so much product comes out!! I only use about half of what comes out of the pump, so I basically have to waste the rest. It drives me crazy because I don't really use much concealer other than for my under eye area. 

Would I repurchase this concealer? Yes, but first I'd like to try out different Mac concealers that are in different packaging without a pump!

Have you tried the Pro Longwear concealer before? 


  1. Great review Ashley! I definitely want to try this or another MAC concealer in the near future because my dark circles suck! I totally feel your pain

    1. Thanks Margo! This is a great one try it out someday!

  2. good to know dear ! i really wanted to try this for a long time :) xx

  3. i have this and love it. the shade i have is just too light for me right now. i know what you mean about the pump, you should see mine its ridiculous looking! product everywhere!

    1. Ugh mine is so messy too!! I want to try the other kind Mac has next!

  4. I think I'll give this one a try! The concealer I have now creases not too long after it's applied and hardly provides coverage. Oh yes! I've heard of people not liking the pump! Nice review! (:

    1. Thanks! It's really great I hope you like it!! Just beware of the pump lol!

  5. I so want to try this, although it's the pump which puts me off! xx

    Gemma // Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. Yeah the pump is definitely annoying but it's a great concealer!

  6. i'm with you on the pump! i always get too much

  7. happy monday dear ! xx
