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Friday, December 5, 2014

Maybelline Lash Sensational Mascara Review

Hi! Today I'm going to share my new mascara obsession. But first I wanted to say I had a really hard time finding this! One of my friends saw it at a store like 25 min away from where we live and we could not find it anywhere else! So I'm sorry if you all want to try this out after I rave about it and can't find it! I'm hoping that it just hasn't hit many stores yet and it will soon! 

This is suppose to be a 'full fan effect, volumizing mascara'. I got the shade very black, and this is super affordable (around $7) just like all Maybelline Mascaras. 

 The packaging is like a rose gold, and a bit bulky, again like most Maybelline mascaras LOL. 

The wand is really unique. It has plastic bristles that go all the way around the brush in different angles/directions.
I really like this brush because I feel like each side gives my lashes a different effect. The top (curved side) thickers them, and the outer side (bottom) that fans out makes them super long. This side is also really great for getting on top of your lashes because the curve fits perfect with your curve of your lashes.

You can see how long this makes my lashes look! I feel like I have on Flase lashes when I wear this.  

Sorry the lighting is all whack in these pictures. And yes I realize my eye color is different in each picture lol >.< I could not get an accurate shots until the last picture. I also kind of hate taking eye pictures like this, I think they make my eyes look creepy. LOL. 

My overall thoughts
-The formula of this is very wet so you have to be careful or you will get a lot of clumps. After a week or so of using this the formula thickened up a bit though.
-It doesn't make my lashes as thick as some mascaras do, which I usually perfer, but I still really love how much length it gives me. 
-The brush reminds me a little of that Loreal Butterfly one, I personally did not care for that, but if to did then you will probably like this brush as well! 
-If you can find this, then I really recommned try it out! It's the best mascara that I've tried in a really long time!
Have you tried out this new Maybelline mascara yet? If so leave your thoughts on it in the comments!


  1. Wow the results are amazing! (BTW you eyes are beautiful!) It's definitely something I'll be on the look out for when I'm back in the states (Next week! :O ). I love buying make up in America, there's always a lot more to choose from and it's a lot cheaper! I'm so excited now! haha

    1. Thanks Miriam!!! Definitely look for this one! I would totally stock up if it's cheaper here than in Ireland!!! Where at in the states will you be visiting??

    2. I'll be in Virginia with my boyfriend for three months! I'm looking forward to it! :)

    3. That's awesome!! Too bad I didn't live closer lol!!

  2. I've seen this a few times but decided against it. After reading your review, now I wish I had picked it up!

    1. Try it next time!!! I was skeptical at first but since I couldn't find it, it made me want to try it more lolll!

  3. I have not seen this mascara but I will be sure to keep an eye for it the next time I go makeup shopping. I am a huge fan of Maybelline mascaras, they are always good. This mascara seriously looks fabulous on your lashes, hopefully it'll work wonders on mine too. xx

    Reflection of Sanity | Smashbox Giveaway

    1. Thanks Shrieen! It's super lengthening so I'm sure it will work great for you too!! And I do love Maybelline mascaras as well!

  4. The length it makes your lashes is amazing. It's just a pity it clumps so much.

    Corinne x

    1. Thank you! Yes I hate clumps but after it thickens up it's not so bad!

  5. it looks like it does a great job with lengthening! your eyes don't look crazy! you did an excellent job showing from no mascara to 3 coats.

    1. Thanks Kim!!! And I just always feel funny taking pictures of my one eye haha!

  6. Your lashes look amazing! I don't think I've seen this mascara in stores yet, but I'll definitely look out for it! Great review Ashley!

    1. Thanks Pilar! Definitely check it out if you can find it!

  7. This mascara has just come out in the UK and I've been so tempted to buy it!

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥
