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Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Christmas Tag!

I can't believe how fast the holidays came this year!! Christmas is like 3 week away, and I just decorated my house last night. I thought I would share some pictures of my tree and decorations and do 'The Christmas Tag'! 

The pictures above are of my tree, fireplace, and some random things. I'm not done decorated yet, so I might do a more detailed post when I'm done!

Now on to the tag! 


1. What is your favourite Christmas Movie/s?
I've always really loved Thr Grinch. I love the cartoon version, which I watched when I was way little, and the one with Jim Carrey is just awesome too. 

2. Do you open your presents on Christmas Eve or Christmas morning?
We do both. We spend Christmas Eve at my husbands parents house, and Christmas Day at my parents house. Growing up Santa always came on Christmas morning though. 

3. Do you have a favourite Christmas memory?
When I was probably 5 or 6, my dad took me around our neighborhood to look at Christmas lights. When we came home, Santa already came with all the presents! It was super exciting for me as a kid because that was the first time I got to open parents early and I just thought it was so amazing and magical haha! 

4. Favourite festive food?
This might sound weird, but I love all the appitizers my mom puts out on Christmas before dinner. Ham rolls, sausage and cheese and crackers and chex mix and cookies and I could go on forever. Haha!! But my favorite actual holiday food is probably stuffing, but that for thanksgiving. 

5. Favourite Christmas gift?
When I was a kid, my favorite was probably when I got a gameboy. More recently is was my vanity that my husband bought me two Christmases ago. 

6. Favourite Christmas scent?
I really love the bath and body works candle called Vanilla Snow Flake. 

7. Do you have any Christmas Eve traditions?
We go to spend Christmas Eve with my husbands family. When I was growing up, we spent or at my grandparents house with all my moms family. 

8. What tops your tree?

Lol. This might sounds funny, but I do not have a tree topper so I put a Santa hat on there. 

9. As a kid what was the one (crazy, wild, extravagant) gift you always asked for but never received?
I always wanted one of those little power cars that kids can ride/drive around in lol!!

10. What's the best part about Christmas for you?
Spending time with family and friends! Now that I have a niece and a nephew, it's so fun to watch them open their presents and play with toys!

I hope you all enjoyed this Christmas tag!! I tag all of you to do it! Let me know if you do so I can check out your post as well! 


  1. Your tree looks so cute with the santa hat though! Lol I can't wait to get our tree! I too loved the grinch, but I never really saw the cartoon version, only the one with jim carrey. I will definitely do this tag after I do the other one youvtagged me in!! Reading posts like these really get you excited for all the holiday fun!!

    1. Haha thanks hillary! I hope you'll post pics of your tree once you get it! And I agree, this got me in a christmas mood!

  2. omg i love the apps too more than the food!!!

  3. Reading your answers warm my heart, Ashley. Thank you so much for sharing your Christmas memories with us, I love it! I have been loving all Christmas tag because I have almost one of my own, well, not the traditional ones so it puts the biggest smile on my face when I read about others. xx

    Reflection of Sanity | Smashbox Giveaway

    1. Im so glad you enjoyed this Shireen!! And thank you for your kind words! It's was a fun tag to get into the Christmas spirit!!!

  4. This post is so cute! Really does get you excited for christmas. It's adorable that you put a Santa hat on top of your tree, very different! Great post Ashley :)

    1. Haha thanks Miriam!! I don't even know how I came up with putting that hat on there lol!!

  5. Ashley, this was nice! I enjoyed reading your responses. What a lovely memory of you and your dad. It's those special moments that stay in your heart forever. You'll always cherish that moment. I saw the santa hat atop your tree! So cute! Toppers always got me! I would decorate the tree and then stand in wonderment what to top it off with. Sometimes I left it bare. It's great you spend time with both families. It's important to spend time with loved ones. Really nice post.

    1. Thanks so much Kim! I'm glad you enjoyed reading this!!! I never knew what to do with the top of my tree haha so I don't even know how I came up with the Santa hat!!

  6. The santa hat tree is so cute!! I might just have to start doing that ;) The memory with your dad is really sweet, I have to remember to do that with any future kids I might have. My parents aren't actually that big on celebrating Christmas, so we usually don't have decorations. I want to start decorating my room though, but.... I have to clean it first. ;-;

    becky ♡ star violet

    1. Thanks Becky!!! Decorating your room would be so fun!!! I am totally to lazy to clean my room to decorated it LOL!!

  7. I absolutely loved reading this post Ashley and your tree is so cute! The hat on top is creative! I have so many wonderful Christmas memories from my childhood as well! Did you want a barbie jeep? I know that's what I wanted lol. I got a barbie dream house instead, so I was pretty excited that year!

    1. Omg yes it was the Barbie jeep!!! That's so funny that you knew that haha! I think I also wanted that barbie house, but I had that big Dream boat instead lol!!!
      I'm glad you enjoyed this, thanks Pilar! I would love to see you do this post too!

    2. Lol! When I saw the one of those cars response you wrote I was like I bet it was a Barbie jeep! I think almost every little girl wanted one of those jeeps especially if you played with Barbie dolls! I forgot about the dream boat! These are great tags to bring back Christmas memories! Hopefully I can get one done before Christmas!

    3. Haha I was so sad I never got one of those jeeps! Lol! And I hope you can too!

  8. i've got vanilla snowflake burning now!
