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Sunday, May 3, 2015

April Lifestyle Post

Hello!!! I can't believe how fast April went by. I say that every month, but I'm glad it's May and we're finally starting to have nice weather. It's in the 70s today and the sunshine is making me happy!!

Anyways- I don't think too much exciting things happened in April. I'm also going to share somethings I'm looking forward to in May and some monthly goals of mine. I might start doing monlthy goals in these posts! Also, like always, I will post my Document Your Life video at the end. Thank you to all of you who already watched it and left me a nice comment on my video!

Here's some photos from easter of my niece and my sister in law. Unfortunately I didn't take many pictures, but I did take a lot of videos which you will see in my DYL. 

First bonfire of the year at my BFF Hannah's house. Was lots of fun, still was super chilly at night time!
Again I didn't take much pictures but here's me and hubby. 

We also grilled out for the first time this year. We made tons of food that included shrimp, chicken and steak kabobs, corn, mushrooms and fish. We have a sunday tradition where we go to my brothers house and cook/grill dinner and wath game of thrones. We always end up with way too much food for 3 people but at least left overs are good!

It was hubby's Birthday on the 27th! 
It was also one of my brothers birthday the same day, and one on the 30th. 

Hubby played in a hockey tournament on the weekend of the 25th, so I got to miss work to go see all his games!

Extra stuff
- I sadly and embarrassingly did not read any books in April. It's mostly duo to laziness but I'm still mad ha ha. 
-I've been watching 90210 on Netflix. It's the newer version and I think a remake of the old one. It's pretty good and it has 5 seasons so it will keep my busy for a while! 
-I had an allergic reaction last week to some Aleve I took. the Naproxen didn't like me and now I can't take ibprophen either because they are too similar. I swelled up and have hives and was on a prescription and benedrly for 8 days. Not fun! I also started using the boots Botanics skincare stuff around that time too, and was afraid that might have caused the reaction instead of the Naproxen so I won't be doing a review on it and I'm going to return it to target.
-I've been having lots of bad headaches and migraines lately. I had to leave work yesterday because it was so bad. I'm going to make a doctors appointment next week for it. 

Monthly Goals for May 
-I really need to get back into fitness and eating healthy. I've been eating like crap and it's been a good month since I've worked out. Time to start again!
-I need to focus on eating a better breakfast. I'm always in a rush in the morning and I don't eat enough and my body is starting to notice. I'm always starving by 11 and that's only an hour after I get to work. Most days I'm too busy to eat a snack and I don't eat lunch until 1-2. I'm not a huge breakfast food person and I'm super picky so I'm having a hard time coming up with what to eat. I usually have a greek yogurt, a banana, a string cheese and either my Itworks greens on the go in my water. I need more! Someone give me some suggestions! 

I'm also really excited because our anniversary is on the 11th! I can't believe it's been two years since we got married. Time goes by way too fast. 

That is about it for my month in April, so I will post my video and talk to you guys soon! 


  1. O.M.G...you too?! I had dinner at my in law's place on Tuesday evening and by the time I got home, there was some red spots coming up my face and I thought it was the new serum that I used. By morning my whole face and body was covered with hives. Freak the crap out of me! Ugh! It finally cleared on Saturday morning and that was many days of Benadryl, 2 tablets every 5 hours and it made me very lethargic. I'm slowly retracing back what caused the reaction, it's not the serum, not Klorane dry shampoo so no idea yet. I even had blood work done but nothing showed up. I hope you'll find out what really triggered yours. xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Oh my gosh I can't believe that happened to you too Shireen!! What the heck and I hope you find out what caused yours too!! Do you think it could have been something you ate??
      And ugh I was such a mess because it never happened to me before. It happened when I was driving to work and I walked into work crying and kept saying there's somethifm wrong with me LOL!

    2. Same here, this never happened to me before and when the family doctor told me that I have to consider the possibility of having chronic hives because it didn't show any signs of going away after 3 days, I thought I would die. LOL!
      I think it was something I ate too and I suspect it was the wholewheat bread. :-/

    3. Oh no!!! Is that something you normally don't eat? Ive heard about people having an allergy to wheat!

  2. hope you're feeling better! bless your heart!

  3. Loved the video Ashley! It looks like you had a fun April except for the part about you being sick! I hope you're feeling better! I may need to go to the doctor as well my allergies and sinuses are terrible right now! I hope you and your husband have a wonderful anniversary!

    1. Thank you Pilar!! Yes it was a good month but ugh my allergies are so bad too!! Let me know if you go to the doctor and they find something to help you. I want to go but I'm so reluctant haha!

  4. I'm so sorry you had a bad reaction Ashley that's scary! I am glad you are okay!!! I hope you guys have a wonderful anniversary and that bbq food looks amazing!!!

    1. Thank you Margo!! It was scary but it's over so its okay! And the bqq was amazing!!

  5. hey ashley! so glad it's warming up there. the sun feels so good. at least right now. hahaha i love grilled everything! you guys threw down. lots of good stuff on your grill. glad you enjoyed. so sorry you haven't been feeling well. i'm just glad you know what caused the problem and can avoid it. hope you feel better soon. i hate having a headache, so i can only imagine how you feel with a migraine. loved this post! i just subscribed to your channel.

    1. Thank you Kim! I'm glad it's starting to warm up too!! And yes headaches are no fun!! And I loved grilled food too, it was so much fun making it all!

  6. The food looks yummy! LOL! We always have Sunday dinner at my parents, usually my dad cooks out. Love it!
    I'm also watching 90210...I'm on season 3, I think the last episode, fixing to start season 4. Really enjoying it so far!

    1. That's so nice I love traditions like that!! And I'm so glad I found someone else who watches that show! It's so good I just finished season one!
