Monday, June 1, 2015

Drugstore Makeup Tutorial | Video Talk Through

I have a new video up on my YoutTube channel to share! It's a talk through makeup tutorial using all drugstore products. I decided to do a talk through video since my last one was sped up. I tried to make it as short as possible so you guys didn't have to watch a 20 minute video of me talking (aka babbling like an idiot) while doing my makeup! The lighting in this video was kind of wonky, it turned out way better in my last video, but I still decided to post it! 
I also have a video on my May favorites and the Would you Rather Beauty tag coming up later this week! I hope you guys enjoy!

Don't forget to subscribe to my channel, and my second channel that I just made AshleySue Vlogs to see my Document your Life videos, and some possible vlogs in the future!