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Friday, September 4, 2015

August Lifestyle + Document Your Life

Happy September Everyone! September is my favorite month. I get so excited that Fall is coming- even though it's still 90 degrees where I live (last week it was in the 60s, what is this madness). Needless to say, I'm excited for some cooler weather, boots, sweaters, leaves, and pumpkin spice everything! Cliché, I know but I can't help it.

I feel like I didn't do much exciting things in August. I've been in a funk the past few weeks and have been feeling very blah- physically and emotionally. Lots going on inside my head at the moment! I'll try to keep this short with sharing some pictures (I didn't take very many!) and my document your life vidoe will be at the end!

My dads birthday was at the end of August. It was raining most of the day so I didn't get many pictures! The weekend before that, my parents had a fish fry party. I got to see my niece and nephew and we went out on the boat so my niece could go fishing. 
Love this little cutie. 

My best friends parents through a huge party every year which was last weekend. Super fun and spent a lot of time with friends. It was also bittersweet because we had to say goodbye to three of my friends from work who are moving away. 

That basically all the pictures I took in August. I was slacking! But I did play a lot of world of Warcraft. Which is probably why I didn't do anything. Ha ha. 

Another thing I was working on in August was cutting out meat and dairy from my diet. It went okay but I started feeling sick and my body was doing weird things so I regressed a little. It's still a goal of mine, but I've accepted that it's not a change I can make overnight. I've still been having a little meat and dairy but I'm trying to cut it out more slowly now so my body doesn't say 'wtf'. 

Here's some of the meals I've been making. Hubby made stuff portobellos mushrooms with guacemole,hummus, rice and tomatoes. I've made a lot of burrito bowls and tacos using rice, corn, black beans, green chillies and topped with salsas and guacemole. Also a lot of veggies sandwiches which are delicious. I didn't realize how hard it was to find bread options with no eggs or milk in them. 
Here's some more meals. Pasta with tons of grilled veggies. Veggie pizza with no cheese. Veggies and hummus to snack one. And my baked apple oatmeal that I shared the recipe for! I feel like cucumbers have become my best friend. Ok that was weird, sorry! 

So that was basically my August! This month I have a concert im going to, and the renassiance festival! I'm excited for both. I hope you all enjoyed, and enjoy watching my DYL video! 

How was your August? 


  1. I was stalking your blog earlier wondering why the heck there's no update from you. LOL! I'll watch the video tomorrow as my laptop is about to kaput on me buttttt....cheeseless pizza is a crime! No, no, no...that's just wrong! LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. LOL!! This is up way later than I had planned! I didn't take any (or very good) video clips for the video so I was kind of blah about making it!
      And oh girl, I totally have to agree with you. Cheese less pizza is not anywhere near as satisfying!

  2. Happy BIrthday to your dad Ashley! I can't wait for cooler weather also. It's been so hot lately. I love the lifestyle changes you are making. It takes time to adjust. I think you're doing really good. Keep it up! Your cats are the cutest! They are so rotten :) Great video.

    1. Thank you Kim! And yes it does take time to adjust! And haha yes my cats are definitely bad kitties!

  3. Happy birthday to your dad Ashley! Love the all the pictures and the video! I hope you have fun at the concert and renassiance festival that you'll be attending!

  4. another great month for you! i gave up meat for a year and it left me with hypoglycemia! but dairy, i think i could do that one.

  5. Your niece is adorable! It sounds like you had a good month with family and friends. You have some serious will power giving up meat and dairy. I could neverrrr lol I'm sure you will get used to it if you keep to it though.

    1. Thank you Tanya!! And girl let me tell you- it's so hard not give up those things! I don't mind giving up meat but it just seems like their is dairy in everything!
