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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Buddhi Box Review + Video | August

Hello!!! Today's post will be a little different for normal. I'm going to be reviewing a subscription box called Buddhi Box!

What is Buddhi Box? It's la subscription service to enhance your yoga lifestyle. I'm calling all yoga lovers to check our thngs subscription service! I film a video for this too but I'm going to put some more info in this post on these boxes. I was trying to film an unboxing video for this since it was my first time getting this subscription service but it didn't go as planned and I was really frustrated LOL!

I have been watching other months vidoe s on these boxes for a while before I decided to get my own. This was my first box so I was super excited. 

More about Buddhi Box
From Buddi box website 


BuddhiBox delivers mindful living products that enhance your yoga practice on and off the mat. Following the principles of yoga, we are committed to offering product that is ethically sourced, cruelty-free, and created with intention.

This subscription service is $30 monthly or you can do packages for 3 months, 6, months, a year, etc. for cheapers. Since it was my first time I just decided to try out one month since I do think it's quite expensive. You will get 4-6 items in your box, and I beleive they have monlthy sampled box that has 2-3 times for $12.

They offer organic, vegan friendly, and cruelty free products which I think is great!

What came in my box
Each month you get a yoga pose card, a recipe, and a quote card that has all he items, their value, and information on them on the back. 

Marley Coffee $10- this is organic and vegan friendly and the top says espresso, which I prefer to make instead of black coffees because I like lattes ;) The recipe card that came with this box is for an iced offer drink using this coffee!
Chopra Center Sandalwood Incense $10- these are also vegan friendly and cutely free. 
Jesse & Co Lotus Necklace $25- A cute and dainty lotus flower necklace, which is so me. 
Wellsmith Shea Butter Tin $6- this lotion is vegan and cruelty free. Also it's hand made in Michigan which is awesome to me since I'm from there! It smells amazing. 
My Mat My Mantra Magnet $8- this magnet is super cute. 

One of the cards also included some meditation music downloads that are valued at $7. Over all the value of this box was $59, not including the music downloads, and $66 including them. I forgot to mention this in my video review!

So that was a short over view of what I recieved, please check out my vidoe to hear more about the items! And also to see if I thought the box was worth it and if I'll keep my subscription!

Have you tried this subscription box out before? Is it something you would check out? 


  1. I just checked their website and they ship to Canada so that's a great news. On the other hand, I'm not sure how 'yoga' the box is. I would have expected it to contain some yoga related stuff, maybe a yoga rope or so? On the subscription part, you can try searching for coupon code for all the different subscriptions out there, there's usually loads of it so you can try one month usually with half price. I do that sometimes. :-)

    ps: How's your yoga coming along? I think I nearly broke my neck by falling down while trying to do a tripod headstand a couple of days ago. Haha!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Haha I do have to agree with you. A past box did have a yoga strap and a mini mala in it though! And I'll have to check out some coupons! I do think I got 10% off this box though!

      And oh gosh in trying to learn to do a crow pose and I almost fell on my face LOL!!!

  2. This is such an awesome idea, not just a practice but a lifestyle. Thanks for sharing. As a newbie to Yoga tis helps expand a bit more about Yoga and how it can enhance your life.

    1. I thought this subscription box was a great idea too!

  3. I love the necklace so so much! I really need to get back into yoga. I got a little discouraged recently and it gave me anxiety,but I need to get back at it! This box looks fun! :)

    1. I really liked the necklace too! And i sometimes get discouraged too because I'm not very good at yoga yet so don't worry!!

  4. i haven't tried this box! it looks really good though :)

  5. This is definitely a unique subscription box. I have never heard of it before.

    1. It's fun but I might check out some different ones that are similar next time!

  6. ive never tried subscribing to these boxes before, is it something i should do because they defiantly look right up my street! :) x x


    1. They are super fun boxes! I think there might be ones out there for similar pricing that offer more products in your box though

  7. They gave you some really nice products for the price Ashley! I always love it when you get MORE than what you paid. Plus it introduces you to new brands and products. Really nice assortment.

    1. Thank you Kim! And yes I agree, assortment is nice!

  8. This is so awesome! I don't currently do yoga, but I've always wanted to get into it because of my anxiety which I hear its great for. The incense and coffee are a huge win for me too, so I'll have to check out some of the previous boxes.


    1. Yoga is great for anxiety and stuff like that! The coffee is amazing. Definitely check out some past boxes, they have gave away tea before too!

  9. This is a great idea for a subscription box! Looks like you received some amazing items! Great review!
