About Me

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Liebster Award

Hello!! I was nominated for a Liebster Award by Sitha from Lemme Swatch It. I haven't done a tag post like this in a long time so I was excited that I was tagged! So thank you Sitha for tagging me! Everyone please go check out her blog, she's such a sweet person and all her posts are great!

1. Thank the person who nominated you, and comment on their blog

2. Include a link to their blog
3. Nominate 10 bloggers that you think deserve the award, and notify them
4. Answer the 10 questions you are given, and give 10 more for the bloggers you nominate to answer
5. Make a copy of the rules in your post

Sitha's questions 

1. Which bloggers/vloggers whom inspires you most as a blogger?
I'm inspired by a lot of different bloggers/bloggers for different reasons! All of my friends that I've met through blogging are big inspirations to me. They are all such kind people and great friends! As for people on youtube- I love Letitia Laura and Kalyn Nicholson.

2. What will you do to cheer you up whenever you start to feel down?
Reading helps get my mind off things, and watching Netflix does too lol!

3. What is your favorite thing to do on the weekends?
I get super lazy on weekends. Sometimes on Sunday I don't even like to leave my house. 

4. Is everything you're doing right now, whether it's uni/college or job, has anything to do with your dreams and passions?
Yes and no. Job wise, no. But I do love blogging and making youtube videos. Filming and editing has become a passion of mine, especially when I do my document your life videos. And I have a big passion for makeup so my blog and makeup channel go with that!

5. If you're given the chance to spend the whole month to visit 4 countries, which countries would you choose, and why?
I really would love to visit anywhere in Europe. I would love to go to Engalnd, Italy, France, Ireland, and so much more!

6. If you could only live with one food for your entire life, what would it be?
Bread. I'm such a sucker for bread. 

7. When did you start to learn how to do make up?
Probably about 4 years ago

8. What was the first make up items you ever purchased?
Probably some kind of foundation or eyeliner and mascara when I was younger. My first big makeup purchase was the urban decay naked palette.

9. Can you name me one thing that you're really good at?
Shopping LOL. I don't really have any special talents I don't think. 

10. Have you ever dreamed of being famous and what it's like to live like a star?
When I was younger I thought that it would be cool to be famous. 

I hope you all enjoyed reading my answers! And I'd like to say thank you again to Sitha for tagging and nominating me! I'd love to see any of my blogger friends do this too, so let me know in the comments if you'd like to do it!


  1. I've done this tag before so I will opt out but I had a great time reading your answers, Ashley. Absolutely agree with you about meeting brilliant people through blogging and I've been so happy to know you, Kim and so many more. And I also agree about being absolutely lazy over the weekend! We are the same to be honest, we rather laze around the house, watch movies, shows, drink beers and then bitch, moan when I go up the weighing scale on Monday. It's wash, rinse and repeat every weekend. LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed reading my answers Shireen! And it's so amazing that I've made so many friends through blogging, I never thought this would happen! And I think weekends were made for laziness lol!!

  2. I really enjoy reading this Ashley, and thank you for mentioning me :D Everyone get lazy on weekend, while I am basically just lazy 24/7. I totally agree with Shireen too! I think I wouldn't be able to live without bread either, because a lot of my favorite food comes with bread. And shopping's just something that comes naturally to us girls, but I can't say that I'm good at shopping because I always end up spending too much! haha

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed read this, and thank you again for nominating me! And I agree that I'm pretty lazy 24/7 as well LOL! And I always spend too much shopping as well so maybe I'm not good at it hahaa!

  3. loved learning more about you! i could live on bread and eat it every meal, if given the chance!

    1. Thanks Elle, and I could eat bread with every meal too for sure!

  4. I love reading these kinds of things. I am super lazy on Sundays too. I usually don't even do my hair and makeup and just throw on workout clothes. I would love to visit Europe one day too.

    1. I always enjoy reading tag posts like this too! And I agree that's what I do on Sunday's usually too!

  5. I enjoy reading these and getting to know the person better. I agree, Sunday's are pretty lazy at our house too.
    I love Netflix, I am watching Scandal...so hooked on it!
    Bread is my weakness....ughhhh!

    1. I love reading things like this too Lily! I haven't watched scandal yet but I've heard good things about it! I'll add that to my list of things to watch!

  6. I loved reading this Ashley!! I love the questions on this one! I'll put this on my never ending list of things to do :) I love having you as a blogger friend/friend Ashley :) <3

    1. Aww I love having you as a friend too Margo! I hope you'll do this tag as well!

  7. I enjoyed reading this, Ashley! I love staying in on a day off. If money wasn't an issue ever, I would just stop everything and travel the world. I would love to go to the same places that you mentioned!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed this!! And I totally agree that I would travel the world if money wasn't an issue too!! I can't believe how expensive it is to do so!

  8. You're really good at makeup Ashley and I always enjoy looking at your videos! Definitely keep it up! Many beauty companies are heading in that direction and looking for bloggers doing just that. I want to go to the UK! One day we will fulfill our dreams :D

    1. Aw thank you Kim!! And yes one day we will be able to go there!!!
