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Monday, October 26, 2015

Natural Balance Food | Nakd Bars Review

Hi :)
I was contacted by Natural Balance Food. to review their Nakd Fruif and Nut Bars* which are their Gluten free snack bars .Id first like to thank Natural Balance Food for sending me these bars! I was super excited about this because these bars are gluten, wheat, and dairy free. There is no added sugars or hidden extras in them, and they are also vegan friendly. I've heard mixed reviews on these but I was excited to try them out because I'm someone who tries to eat as natural or organic as possible, with things that have very few ingredients in them. I'm also all for the vegan friendly and gluten free foods!

From Natural Balanced Foods website
'Eat Nākd bars are a great way to eat nutritious, healthy food without compromising on taste!  Our snack bars are made from yummy natural ingredients such as fruits and nuts which are 'smooshed' together for you into a handy bar.  Gluten, wheat and dairy free, with no added sugars or hidden extras.'

 We're a young British company devoted to increasing world happiness with yummy healthy snacks, humor and helpfulness.  That means we make delicious, good-for-you munchies, do our best to help others, and try to spread a little joy along the way.  
I was sent the sampler box of 13 bars, and them there was an extra of one of the bars on the package. 9 of the bars were the fruit and nut, and 4 were the crunch bars. 
All of the cocoa or chocoalte ones look very dark like this and slightly unappetizing. Maybe I'm just weird but I don't even like chocolate cake or cookies because of the dark look to them. Maybe I don't like how they get stuck in my teeth or somethin LOL. The more fruity bars are slightly lighter. 

My thoughts on each bar
Banana Crunch- has a sweet banana taste and slightly crunchy.
Pecan Pie- this one was sweet and nutty. The pecan taste was strong and the nuts have it a good texture. 
Rhubarb Custard- this was sweet and I could taste the custard. Slightly fruity
Cocoa Orange- this one reminded me of those chocoalte cover orange peels or chocoalte orange jelly candies you get from those fancy chocolate shops. 
Cocoa Crunch- slightly chocolate tasting, and slight crunch to it. Kind of bland. 
Apple Crunch- also slightly crunchy and a hint of apple flavor. 
Caffe Mocha- this has a bitter coffee taste with a hint of chocolate. 
Cocoa Delight- not very chocolatey tasting, kind of bland.
Strawberry Crunch- can definitely taste the strawberry, slight crunchy. Reminds me of dries strawberries. 
Berry Delight- taste like chocolatey berries. 
Bakewell Tart- this one was kind of bland and tasted like dates. 
Cocoa Mint- this was very bitter but you could definitely taste the mint. 
Ginger Bread- slight ginger bread taste, not too strong. 

My overall opinion 
-I really enjoyed most of these! Some of them were bland tasting but that doesn't bother me. I'm not a big breakfast person so I've always eaten stuff like this in the morning so I'm use to 'bland' tasting bars. 
-They are soft and slightly chewy so they are easy to eat. 
-I liked the more fruity flavors better then the Cocoa ones.
-My favorites were the strawberry crunch,  rhubarb custard, and the Cocoa orange. 
-I love how they are vegan friendly, gluten free, and have few ingredients in them. 
-I would definitely recommend them and could see myself eating these a lot!

Have you tried out the Nakd Bars before? If so leave your thoughts on them in the comments!

*The Eat Nakd bars by Natural Balance Food were sent to me for review. All opinions are 100% my own.*


  1. I haven't tried these before but some of these sound good. I would probably like the fruity bars.

    1. The fruity ones are a lot better in my opinion!

  2. I've seen a few reviews on these bars and like you, the reviews were mixed. I had one absolutely horrid experience with a similar bar which I could have sworn was dog food so I NEVER tried another. Not sure if I'll ever try this though, I think my husband might enjoy them but me not so much. Great review, Ashley!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. If I had a bad experience I don't think I'd try new ones either Shireen! I can see why some people don't like them but I'm use to eating bars like this!

  3. I have never heard of this company but some of the ones intrigue me! Even the Bakewell Tart...I used to eat those all the time in England so I wonder, even if bland, it would bring me memories. These sounds awesome because there are so many flavors!

    1. You might like the Bakewell tart one then Margo! I really enjoyed most of these

  4. I've seen this Nakd bars quite a lot lately, and I'm really curious to try them out! I want all the cocoas and also the pecan pie. I hope this will be available in Indonesia soon because I can never stop snacking and I need a more healthier choices!

    1. I snack a lot too so I'm glad these are super healthy ones! I'm not sure if these are even in the U.S yet!

  5. oh my, those look delicious!
    i need to try them, especially berry delight!
    chris | heychrislately.blogspot.com

  6. I have not tried these, but I LOVE bars! I always try to carry some on me in case I'm dying and need food ASAP! LOL! I'm so over dramatic.
    The Cocoa Orange and Berry Delight sound good!

    1. You'd probably like these then lily! I try to keep something like this with me too incase I get hungry during the day!

  7. I so agree with your assessment Ashley! I tried these and LOVE chocolate, but not the cocoa flavored ones. I thought the fruit ones were better.

    1. I know I totally expected the Cocoa ones to taste more like chocoalte!! And some of the fruity one tastes a little chocoaltey lol!!

  8. i've only tried a few flavours, but liked the ones i tried!
