About Me

Friday, November 20, 2015

The Little Things..

Hello! Today I'm starting a new blog series that I'm hoping to do once a week.  This probably won't be makeup or beauty related, but I like to share bits from my personal life with you all so I'm really excited about this!

We've all heard the saying "It's the little things in life..." that make us happy, that make things wonderful, etc. but how many times have we actually sat down and appreciated them?

So I'm starting this series because I'm trying to not take things for granted, and to also notice 'the little things' that make me happy and that I enjoy. So once a week (I hope!) I'm going to share something little with you guys that made me happy.  In a world that has so much negative and bad things going on, I think it's important to focus on the positive things!

So today I'm going to talk to you about breakfast. Yes, I said breakfast. But particularly breakfast from Panera Bread. 

I've never been a huge breakfast person. I actually dread breakfast sometimes. But a little thing that makes me happy is going to Panera in the morning and getting an egg soufflé and a latte. 

I'm not a huge egg person but I could devour 50 of these things. These are little heavens in a cup that's way more calories than I'd like to admit, also not the healthiest breakfast choice. But to me they are worth the splurge. So freaking delicious. I go to Panera at least once a week and get one for breakfast before work. It's slightly embarrassing when someone who works there comes into your work and says 'hey you come into my work like everyday!!' *inserts blank faced emoji here*. Why yes, I would come in everyday and eat a soufflé if it was socially acceptable. 

I also get excited for holiday drink cups. The ones at Panera are super cute and that is also another little thing that makes me happy!! Also please excuse the fact that these photos were taken in my car lol!!

So what kind of things can you expect from me in this post series? Literally anything and everything. It will be anything from a book I read, a quote that I liked, food things like I showed today, something someone said to me, pictures of my cats doing something cute, etc. I think a few of my blog friends use to do similar posts like this, but if anyone wants to join me in this post series please do so!

I've been kind of uninspired lately so I'm really excited that I've found some inspiration!

What is something that made YOU happy this week?


  1. Great post Ashley! I've done a few of these type posts on my blog and I need to do an updated one soon! Your breakfast looks delicious! I feel it's the little things in life that count the most! Have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you Pilar!! And you're right that they do count the most! I'm planning to do these posts on Fridays if you'd like to join me for one sometime! Have a great weekend too!

  2. Sounds like you've hit a writer's block for a bit, Ashley but it's so good to see you inspired by the little things again. You're right, sometimes we take the little things for granted and forgot how happy they make us feel. Looking forward to this being a regular series. xx

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. You're so right Shiteen, and I hate having writers block! And I also hate it when I feel like my heart isn't into what I'm writing and I hope that it doesn't show in my posts! I'm glad you're looking forward to these series!

  3. Great idea for a post Ashley!! I can also relate, I take the little things for granted as well. Can't wait to read more!

    1. Thank you Lily! And I think we all do that sometimes!

  4. This is a great idea! That egg souflee looks so yummy! haha I think its great to take a step back from our fast paced society and really be thankful for the little things in life that make you smile. This week but really, every morning, seeing my dog Jax curled up sleeping on my bed while I get ready for work makes me happy. <3

    1. Thank you Tanya! And it was so yummy lol!! And I agree, I think we forget about small things that mean a lot to us somethings! And thank you for sharing what makes you happy too! I feel the same way about my cats lol!

  5. Ashley this series is awesome and I am already looking forward to the next one! I love that you have a little treat yourself routine because I think most of us can relate to that even though it just seems like everyday life it is actually a little special moment!!

    1. Thank you Margo! I'm glad you'll enjoy this series! Let me know if you want to join in on a post with me! And I agree that everyone should treat their self sometimes because it always makes us happy when we do!

  6. Such a cute idea! I may steal that from you sometime, hehe. I love breakfast, I get quite grumpy when I don't eat in the mornings! Haha it makes sense to take these pictures in your car anyway, if you're on your way to work!

    becky ♡ star violet

    1. I'd love to see you do a post like this Becky!! I think I don't like breakfast much because I'm never hungry when I first wake up, and I don't wake up super early so I just always want lunch lol!!

  7. I think this is awesome Ashley! I love learning more about a person. I've only been to Panera for Lunch, so I've GOT TO GO one morning and get breakfast. I didn't know they served breakfast! So this was informative. Now, I'm hungry! LOL

    1. Thank you Kim!! Panera has good breakfast! Their bagels and soufflés are amazing. They have breakfast sandwiches too but I haven't tried them!

  8. This is such a great idea! The world could use a series like this to read about each week, it would really brighten everyones day up to start noticing the little things that make us happy in life :) On that note, getting breakfast alone or with someone else is always one of my favorite things to do, it just starts the day off in such a nice way!


    1. Thank you Lizzy! And I totally agree that there needs to be more posts like this in the world lol!! I hope to do one once a week! And I love going out for breakfast too!

  9. Great post! I love this idea. I know I take the little things for granted sometimes. Ooo I've never had Panera breakfast. I'll have to try that egg souffle out.


    1. Thank you! And yes definitely try out their egg soufflés!

  10. love panera--i live by one but don't frequent it like i should. i am glad i made it home safely.

    1. I probably go there way too much lol!! And I'm glad too!

  11. I love this! That looks like a really nice breakfast. I really love having my coffee every morning. It's just coffee I make at home, but I love it. Some nights I look forward to having my coffee the next morning.

    1. Thanks Lauren! And any coffee is good coffee, even if it's made from home! And I look forward to it the night before as well!
