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Friday, December 9, 2016

Holiday Gift Guide | For the Minimalist

Hellooooo! Happy Friday!

Last Friday I did a Holiday Gift Guide (for natural beauty lovers ) and today I have another rather unique gift guide to share as well! We're going to be talking about gifts for the Minimalist in your life. Minimalism is something that has perked my interest lately, and I'm really wanting to decultter my life in the next year before we move and build a house. Clutter can be tiring and stressful, especially if your someone like me who is lacking in organization skills.

This gift guide is perfect for the Minimalist in your life, if you don't know what to get someone who wants minimal belongings. However, this doesn't just have to be for Minimalist! This is also perfect for a gift guide for that friend or family member who literally already has everything and you are stumped on what to get them, or these gifts are just awesome ideas in general for anyone!

1. A nice tea or coffee gift set. Since tea and coffee are consumable, they will definitely use them up and aren't something that will be kept around forever. I chose to picture this one from Teavana because they have tons of gift sets, because well, who doesn't love Teavanna? They also have a Tea of the Month Subscription  which would make an amazing gift for Tea Lovers. For Coffee Lovers, there is always gift sets from Starbucks , which also has a Monthly Coffee Subscription!

2. A nice house plant. Plants give off and promote positive energy in your home. If you get a nice and small sized one that fits on a side table or a windowsill then they won't take up much space. Aloe plants are awesome because you can actually use them for things! Cute little succulents are perfect too because they are small and don't require a lot of watering.

3. Tickets to a movie theater are awesome gifts. It's like a prepaid date! Giving experience gifts are always a good idea- other ideas could be tickets to a concert or a play, restaurant gift cards, passes to amusement parks etc.

4. A subscription to Netflix. Netflix is super affordable and is something anyone would use. I don't have cable, so I enjoy watching shows and movies on Netflix!

5. A really great book. Books are small and don't create a lot of clutter either unless you are me and have 400 of them. Plus, books are super easy to pass along or donate so if they are taking up space, then your Minimalist friend or family member can pass it along to someone else and share it's greatness.

6. Last but not least, a membership to a yoga or fitness class is perfect too. You can buy them a month pass or a few days worth of classes and it's something they will definitely use without having an object to take up space in their Minimalist home!

I hope you guys enjoyed this gift guide and got some ideas from it! I might have one last Gift Guide up next friday in time before the Holidays are over.

Are you done with Christmas shopping? Would you like any of these things I mentioned a gifts?

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