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Friday, March 24, 2017

Friday Favorites | Current Lifestyle Favorites

Happy Friday! Who else is happy that Spring is here?! I definitely am, even though I don't exactly trust that it isn't done snowing yet. We did have a nice day earlier this week where it was in the 50s, but that quickly turned back into the 20s. None the less, I know warmer weather is on its way, and that definitely has me excited.

I thought I would do a Friday Favorites today and share some lifestyle things that I've been enjoying.

First though, I wanted to say a HUGE thank you to all of you who left me such sweet and encouraging comments on post earlier this week on cruelty free makeup. All of the great feedback really meant a lot to me because it was a post that I was honestly nervous out of my mind to post. I love you all for the encouragement you showed me!

Back to my lifestyle favorites. Honestly, not much has been going on in my life lately. I feel rather boring as these might not be the most exciting things that I've posted before, but hopefully some of you will get some enjoyment out of it! Even though nothing too exciting has been going on, I have been working on some projects that I'm crazy excited about. These things have been taking up a lot of my time and thoughts but other than that, here are the things that I've been into!

Favorite Recipe || One of my go to dinners is tacos. I've been making these like crazy. All it has in it is black beans, corn, rice, and salsa. I cook my beans and corn while my rice is in my rice steamer. Once they are all done, I mix everything together with salsa and taco sauce. I add guacamole to a tortilla and add in the mixture. It's so soo good and simple. Also, a lot of you asked in my last 'what I eat in a day post' if my husband eats meat or plant based with me. He does eat meat, but also eats most of the plant based meals that I make. So sometimes when I make this, he adds in taco meat as well. If you want to make this recipe and want meat also, just cook your taco meat and add it on top of the mixture, also add cheese, sour cream, lettuce, etc. as you wish! However, this is amazing as it is, and I hope you all try it out this way too!

Favorite Workout || Hubby and I have been doing P90X. We're trying to change our lifestyle and workout and eat healthy. This workout program is definitely not easy, but I'm excited to have a program to follow! I'm sore as hell as we speak (as I'm typing?) but I'm also excited to get in shape and do good for my body.

Favorite on TV || Is anyone else a Survivor fan?? I've seriously been watching this show since I was like 10 when the first season came out. I got my husband into it as well, and this new season came on tv 3 weeks ago and its sooo good!

Favorite Game || I don't think a lot of you are into games but I'm definitely a nerd at heart. We bought the new Nintendo Switch and I'm completely obsessed with the new Legend of Zelda game. It's so good and we've been anticipating this game for what feels like years! Honestly, this has been taking up a majority of my free time, I'm not going to lie.

Favorite Quote || And lastly, I'm ending this with my favorite quote. I read this the other day and it really hit home. It's something that I needed to read and keep in my mind. I don't think that I've had the best focus lately, and that has been something that has gotten me down mentally reading this quote has definitely help get my mindset right!

I hope you all enjoyed my current lifestyle favorites!

And now I have a question for YOU! For those of my blogger friends who make videos, what video editor do you use? I had some issues with iMovie the last time I tried to use it, and I will try it again, but I'm looking for some other options. I'm seriously the least tech savvy person in the world, and I get super discouraged when I try to figure out things like movie editors and can't figure them out. My husband has a nice one on his computer but it seems really complicated. I would like something easy to use. And I really need to stop using the 'I can't figure out my movie editor' excuse as to why I'm not making videos!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend! Do you have any fun plans? Let's chat in the comments!

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