Before I get into my morning routine, I wanted to let you all know that I'm doing a giveaway right now on my Instagram page for my Etsy Shop! ((@moonelements)). I'm giving away a necklace from my shop, which is a quartz crystal with a crescent moon crescent moon on it! I'd love for you all to enter! You can check out my post on Instagram for more details! If you leave a comment on this blog post saying you are entering, I'll give you a bonus entry!
I don't have a set time where I wake up in the morning. Being able to work from home, I'm fortunate to be able to let myself wake up when my body wants to, and not half to set an alarm. I like to lay in bed for a few and wake up, cuddle with my fur balls, etc. before getting up. Another thing I like to do that is not pictured is to drink a big glass of water or herbal tea when I first wake up.
After I wake up, I wash my face and do my morning skin care routine, brush my teeth, all that good stuff. My skin care for the morning just consists of my Lush Coal Face, Thayer's Rose Petal Witch Hazel, and Lush Celestial Moisturizer. I will do a post on my nighttime skincare routine soon!
Next if I'm hungry, I'll eat some breakfast. Which is usually some kind of fruit, a smoothie, or some oatmeal. This day I made oatmeal, and loaded it up with some goodies. I added in a chopped apple, some raisins, some chia seeds, and some hemp seeds.
After I finish breakfast I get ready for the day. Sometimes I don't get ready, it just depends on what I'm doing that day. Here is some makeup that's currently in my routine!
Then I get to work! I've been working hard on my Etsy shop, so I've been on my computer almost non stop. I also bought a planner, and each day I check out what's going on, what I have to do, and add in anything I need to for the upcoming days. My planner is super simple, but anyone wants to see a planner post from me, let me know! I created my own cover for it and decorate the inside a little bit!
And that pretty much is what fills up my morning and afternoon! Some days I don't work as much if I have errands to run like grocery shopping, sending out packaging, or sneaking in some World of Warcraft playtime ;).
What does your morning routine look like? Share it with me in the comments! And don't forgot to enter my MoonElements Instagram Giveaway!