Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Eden's Garden Essential Oil Haul

I think one of my favorite things in life has become Essential Oils. I've done a few hauls in the past for them, and today I have another one. I've been ordering from Eden's Garden , they are super affordable, great quality, and 100% therapeutic grade!

The first three on the top are Peppermint, Tea Tree, and Lavender. These are all repeat purchases for me, and my most used oils from my collection. I literally use these three on a daily basis. The last one in this row is called Tranquility, which is a blend of Lavender, Cedarwood, Ylang Ylang, Sweet Marjoram, Chamomile, Vetiver, Sandalwood and Vanilla. It smells SO good! I'm super happy that I picked this one up. I've been using it on my Lava Bead bracelets from my Etsy Shop that hold essential oils for a personal diffuser. 

The next row is all 5 ml bottles, and the first three are Peppermint, Lavender, and Blood Orange. I own larger bottles of these 3, but I wanted mini bottles for when I set up at farmers markets and craft shows this summer for the Lava Bead bracelets that I'm selling. This way, who ever buys a bracelet can leave with some essential oils soaking in their lava beads. I thought these 3 were pretty good choices to pick from.  The last oil is another mini and it's Pachouli. I got this one to share between my self, and bring to the craft shows as well. It's not one that I would use everyday like my others, so I figured it would be good to bring with me as well.

I know I've said tons of time that I'll do more posts on essential oils, giving info about them, how I use them, my favorites etc. and I still want to do those posts, I've just been really lazy when it comes to preparing them! There's a ton of info to share!

Do you use essential oils? What ones are your favorite?