Hi Friends!
I know this week's blog posts were kind of unexciting. I did a quick Essential Oil Haul on Wednesday, and today I'm sharing a quick smoothie recipe that I've been loving. I was super busy this week, so I didn't plan much for blog. I did, however, make an amazing smoothie earlier this week that I was obsessed with. I shared photos on IG, but I thought I'd share the recipe with you guys in more detail.
This PB&J smoothie is super healthy and perfect for breakfast!
Ingredients and Directions
-Add 1-2 frozen bananas into your blender. If you don't have frozen, just use fresh.
-Chop up 5 strawberries, more if you want and less if you don't. Add into blender.
-Add a scoop of peanut butter. I use a tiny bit less than a tablespoon. Again, add more or less if you want.
-1 pitted date. You can leave this out of you don't have one, but it adds some good sweetness.
-1 tbsp of both chia seeds and hemp seeds. If you don't have these that's okay too, but I encourage you to try them- they had tons of great neutrients!
-1 cup of rice milk, or milk of your choice. After you add in the milk, fill up with water as needed.
-Optional- add in some protein powder if you like it in your smoothie! You can also add in some greens for some extra vitamins and minerals.
-Blend away and enjoy!
This is sooo good and tastes just like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich!
Do you have a favorite smoothie recipe? Share it with me in the comments!