Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Goodbye 2013!

*Hello!* I hope everyone had great New Year's Eve, and will have an even better start to 2014! 
Today's post is going to be different from my usually makeup posts, but I wanted to share more of my personal life with you guys for today! 
Every year has it's ups and downs but with the start of a new year, we all have a lot to look forward to! 
A lot of great things happened in 2013 for me so I'm going to share some memories here on my blog! 

I'm not sure how many of you knew this, but I got married last May. Getting married is such a wonderful and amazing experience and I couldn't be more thankful that I got to married my best friend. I'm so happy we got to share this day with all our family and friends. 

My husband and I also were lucky enough to go on a honeymoon after our wedding! We went to Florida and got to go to Disney world and all that fun stuff. Our hotel was gorgeous and it was just so nice spending time together and not having to worry about anything. This was our first big vacation together! 

In June we had a new addition to our family! I got kitten and I just love my little kitty and now my other cat has a friend (or enemy lol). 

We also found out this year that my sister in law is pregnant and I'm going to have a nephew this February! 
This is my sister in law and my cute little niece. If you read what her shirt says, this is how she told us all she was having another baby! Too cute. 

These are just a few of the amazing things that happened this year. There are so many other great things that happened in 2013, too many to name! 
