There's a lot of things I want to do this year! Some of them are positive life change, some are things I want to work on about my self, and some are just all around random things I want to do!
This might be a quite lengthy post, just a forewarning! Props to anyone who reads the whole thing!
Let's get started!
1. I want to start eating healthier and get into fitness. I'm not going to lie, I eat like utter crap. I get take out and fast food a lot. I love my ice cream, bread, and pasta. Carbs carbs carbs. I am in no way shape or form fat, overweight, etc but I want to stop putting all this unhealthy stuff into my body. I'm not going to totally cut out or deprive myself if I want to eat these unhealthy things, but rather try to make healthier food choices and limit myself/have portion control! And as for the fitness, I want to start working out again so I can achieve the body that I want. I know everyone's body is beautiful and you shouldn't be ashamed in anyway of what you look like, and I'm not! But I want to workout and get the body for myself and not anyone else! :) I've been saying this for a long time, but no one is going to make it happen but me, and I intend to finally do it this year!
2. Relax more! I have a tendency to worry, worry, worry! I worry about absolutely everything. And when I say everything, I mean the littlest, stupidest things possible that I have no control over. I probably have a little bit of anxiety and I know it's probably not my fault, but I'm going to try to stay calm, go with the flow, relax more, and just let things happen the way they are suppose to! Also on a positive note, I'm going to try to stay more positive and not get upset so easily about things!
3. Read more books. I'm someone who reads a lot, and I always carry at least 2 books with me at all times. So why do I need to read more? I don't, but I do want to set a goal of reading 100 books this year! I tried for last year and unfortunately I didn't reach my goal, but I wasn't super serious about achieving it. This year I am!
4. Along with reading more books, I want to branch out and read different types of books. I want to read more classics! Maybe I'll try some self motivating books, or subscribe to a women's health or fitness magazine!
5. Pay off some bills. My husband and I recently sat down and made a plan for ourselves to pay off some bills. It felt really great to make a plan for this and we're going to make it happen. Before we start a family (which maybe a few years down the road we will) we want to have less bills to pay!
6. Along with paying bills, I want to save more money. I need to stop spending so much of it on stuff I don't need. I need to control myself when I go into Sephora! I have enough makeup and I need to use the stuff I have.
7. Be more organized. I am the least organized person you will ever meet. The problem is, I don't mind if my room is completely trashed, or if all my clean clothes are in a pile on my floor. Clutter doesn't bother me the least bit. I'm going to try to work on being more organized and staying organized.
8. De clutter. I need to get rid of stuff I don't use! That way I have more space for the stuff I do!
9. Make more of an effort with family and friends. I have great relationships with mr family and friends, don't get me wrong. But basically all I do is work, and have very little time for myself. I tend to hole up and forgot to text my friends hello, or call a family member.
10. Wake up earlier. I sleep until the last possible second and it's bad. I have no time for breakfast and I'm rarely on time for anything. I'm just not a morning person and have always had struggles waking up in the morning. Hopefully I can improve on this and try to wake up at least a half hour earlier!
If any of you read this and made it to the end, thank you for your time! These are just somethings I'm trying to work on this year, and hopefully it was a little bit of an inspiration to someone else!
What are your goals for this year? Share them with me in the comments!