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Monday, August 4, 2014

Favorite Lush Products- My Must Haves

Hi :) Today I'm going to share what my top favorite products from Lush are. I'm calling these my 'Lush Must Haves' because they are all products that I have fell in love with and keep repurchasing (or will repurchase). 

From left to right- Enchanted Eye Cream, Charity Pot hand and body lotion, Mask of Magnaminty, Tea Tree Water toner. 

Enchanted Eye Cream- I've been using this for a few months now and it's my favorite eye cream that I've ever tried. I was sold on this product because when I asked about it while I was in Lush, someone who worked there demonstrated it on herself. She put it under one eye and you could immediately see the difference between her two under eye areas. The one with the eye cream instantly looked brighter. I was amazed so I bought it lol! 

Charity Pot hand and body cream- This is my most recent purchase from lush. This small size of the lotion is only around $5 and it's one of those products that 'a little goes a long way'. This has a really unique scent to it that is kind of sweet (like chocolate but not quite chocolate) and I can't really put my finger on it or really describe how it smells. The scent isn't over powering like some of their products so it's really nice. This is really great for moisturizing and soaks into the skin really nice. 

Mask of Magnaminty- This is by far my favorite product from lush. I love this face mask and I totally sware by it. It's got a really minty/cooling affect and it's done such wonderful things for my skin. I've gone through so many of these and it's one I'll always repurchase. I have a full review for this here

Tea Tree Water toner- This is another product that I've repurchased and always will. This also have done amazing things for my skin. It's so refreshing and if you have oily skin I would highly recommend this to you!! I have a full review for this here.

Top pictures- Dragon's Egg Bath Bomb, bottom- You've been Mangoed Bath Melt.  These two are my favorite bath products from Lush. I can't leave the store without purchasing them. 

Dragon's Egg- Out of all the bath bombs I've tried this one if my favorite. It has a slight citrus scent to it and It turns the water mostly orange. This one is cool because after it starts dissolving it cracks open (like an egg lol) and a ton of glitter comes out. 

You've been Mangoed- This bath melt smells like heaven. Well, mangos but you know same thing. This also has a slight citrus scent but it's more sweet. Bath melts basically just melt in the water and are super moisturizing to your skin. I think (but could be wrong) that these are made with oils and they feel really silky while they are melting. I've also done a review for this here.

What are your favorite Lush products? Let me know so I can check them out!! 


  1. The mango melt sounds so good! I need something like that (their bath melts in general, actually) in my life - I haaaate having dried skin.

    I've only tried a few of the Lush soaps from my sister before, haha. She bought me a bath bomb once, I don't remember the name of it but it was blue and had sea salt and seaweed in it!

    xx becky // star-violet

    1. You would love the bath melts!!! I've never tried their soaps before but I think that blue bath bomb is called the big blue or something!

    2. I only wish I had the time and space away from family members to take a bath! ;( And yes, big blue sounds about right, I remember it being blue and white probably.

  2. Great review Ashley! I read so many positive reviews about Lush products. I really need to try some of them! Too bad they're isn't a store near me, but I can always go online lol!

    1. You would love their products!! lol the closest store to me is about 40 minutes away!

  3. I've never true anything from LUSH but the mask sounds good. I really wat to try some of their bath bombs and bubble bars.


    1. I would really recommend this mask!! It's amazing and so is their bath products!

  4. I received some Lush goodies at a blogger event and I can't wait to finally try out their stuff (yes, I am a Lush virgin hahaha) I will have to try out those products that you've mentioned, they all sounds so good :)

    1. I hope you love everything you got from there!! I fell in love the first time I went into Lush a year or so ago!

  5. i'm a sucker for their bath bombs

  6. ooh great picks! i love their bath bombs and face masks

    from helen at thelovecatsinc.com

    ps. win some Raybans of your choice + a beauty goodie bag worth nearly £300 on my blog! click here.

  7. I still have yet to get anything from Lush. I really want to get something soon though!

  8. Thanks for posting this Ashley! There are definitely a couple of products I would love to try! I think they gave me a sample of Charity Pot so I will have to try. You know I love the Bubblegum Lip Scrub :D Great post!

    1. Thanks Kim, I'm glad you liked this post! Charity pot is great, and I totally forgot to include my lip scrub in this post!

  9. I really want to try the Tea Tree Water - it sounds so lovely xx

    Gemma | Miss Makeup Magpie

    1. You should definitely try it out! It's amazing!

  10. Gosh I love everything LUSH. I wanna try that eye cream now! I love the lip scrubs...they are so so yummy, and the solid shampoo of any kind!

    1. I totally forgot to include my lip scrub in this post lol!!! The eye cream is really great too! I've never tried their soild shampoos before!

  11. Beautiful picks! The smell of Mask of Magnaminty is absolutely amazing. Some of my Lush faves are Buffy, Sympathy for the Skin, Seanick shampoo bar, the Sea Spray, and BB Seaweed fresh mask :)



    1. Thanks Jen! I'll have to check out some of your favorites too!! I love trying new things from lush!
