Thursday, April 2, 2015

Beauty Swap with Becky from Star-Violet!

Hello beautiful people! I'm super excited about this post today because my friend Becky  from Star-Violet and I did a beauty swap! This was super fun because we decided to trade some products that we didn't use much or want anymore. 

This was my first beauty swap so I was so happy to get my package in the mail! It really made my day since it came to me on a week that I was super sick and feeling so blah! I was in such awe at all the products she sent me and at her generosity. Thank you so much again Becky, and everyone go check out her blog too! She's an amazing makeup artist! 

I had to laugh because she wrote and note on the inside of the box that said 'excuse the condition of this box' because she reused it and I did the same with the box I sent her LOL! I scribbled with a sharpie over all the logos from where the box came so we had the same idea haha!

I totally forgot to include this in the picture above! But it's an Urban Decay Nail polish and look at the skull on the top!! I'm obsessed. It's such a pretty dark purple shade! I usually only wear dark nail polish so this is perfect. 

Next is the Too Faced a la mode palette, which you saw from my previous post on a spring makeup look. This is seriously so  gorgeous and I was shocked when I saw this in the box!

Next is the UD Shattered Face palette. This is cool because it has shadows and blushes in it! 

This is a blush by Illamasqua. It's such a pretty color and have been wearing it everyday! I haven't tried anything by this brand before so I was excited about this one. 

Next is the UD chill makeup setting spray. I've tried the other sprays from UD but not this one so I can't wait to test it out. Next to it is Mac velvet teddy which I have wanted for forever. I couldn't get good lighting so it looks kind of peachy color here lol!

Last is a bunch of UD eye pencils, which are amazing. Look how pretty the top dark teal color is!

Once again, thank you Becky for all these amazing goodies! I totally want to send you another box of stuff because you sent me so much!!

Thank you all for reading!!