Saturday, July 11, 2015

Skin Care Sunday | Favorite Products for Acne

Hello!! It's been a while since I did a Skin Care Sunday post! Today I'm going to share my favorite products to use for acne. Most of these aren't specifically for acne, but they are what works for me and what I use to keep any acne or belmishes at bay. 

I do like to use mostly organic stuff on my face, but the Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser has way less ingredients in it than other non organic face cleansers. I started using this about 2 years ago and it cleared my skin up really well. This isn't my current everyday cleanser, but it'd still one that I love and use quite often. 
The Thayers Rose Petal Witch Hazel is something I've talked about a lot recently but it also does really great things for my skin. It's very soothing to any problem areas on my face. 
Aloe Gel is a recent discovery of mine (for other than sun burns!) and I started using it as a spot treatment to help the healing process of blemishes. I have stated using it all over my face as well, after I use a toner and before my mousturizer at night time.  

 I have mentioned before that I love Michael Todd Skin Care and I had a set for Acne prone skin that was amazing. In currently using a different one, and it's no where near as good, but the first two products here are what I have left from the acne set. Michael Todd products are all organic and I've had really great results while using them. 
The Jojoba Charcoal Scrub is my favorite face scrub/exfoliater. I use this about twice a week and it's the best one I've ever used. Charcoal is great for your skin to draw out impurities!
The two face masks that I like to use are the Michael Todd Kaolin Clay Mask and the Lush Mask of Magnaminty. Lush also uses all natural ingredients and this is one I've been using for about 2 years also. It's done great things for any acne and oiliness in my skin. The Kaolin Clay mask is super gentle on the skin and always makes my face feel so clean and fresh. 

Spot Treatments
I mentioned that I like to use Aloe as a spot treatment but I wanted to share some other things I like to use too. 
-Face Masks. I sometimes just dab a little bit of either of my face masks on a blemish and leave it on overnight. It helps to dry up the spot.
-Toothpaste is also a good spot treatment that helps dry up blenishes. I leave it on overnight like I would the face mask. This is something I've been doing for 10+ years. 
-If I can tell a spot is infected I like to use peroxide or rubbing alcohol on it. This cleans the bacteria and helps to dry out the spot as well. I know some people say not to do this and it helps slow healing but it has always worked for me! 

What are your favorite products to help treat acne?