Monday, August 3, 2015

July Lifestyle Post + Document Your Life Video

Hello! Happy August Everyone! 
July pretty much flew by like every other month seems to do. 

I honestly didn't take too may photos this month other than on the 4th of July (that seems so long ago!) and when my husband and I took a week off to go to Northern Michigan. I did however take a lot of video clips so there will be much more in my DYL video!

Fourth of July was spent at my in laws house. We went out on my boat and most of my time was spent hanging out with my husband and my brother. 

Last week my husband and I went up to the upper peninsula of Michigan and saw Tahquamonen Falls and the Pictured Rocks on Lake Surperior. I haven't been to the U.P since I was very little so I was excited. Northern Michigan is very beautiful and I seem to forgot and take forgranted what a beautiful state that I live in. If you follow my Instagram, then you've probably seen a lot of these pictures already!

Here is the falls we went to. We also ate at the brewery that is there too. 
Here's some photos from the pictures rocks. They were very pretty, however we did a boat tour of them and let me tell you. I felt so sea sick on the boat it was almost not enjoyable. Ugh!

Before we went to the UP, we stayed in mackinaw city and had this awesome view from our hotel room on Lake Huron. 

Our hotel room in the UP had a great view of Lake Surperior. 
Here's another of Lake Surperior where we left to go see the Pictured Rocks. 

Coming back from from the UP, we stopped at a random beach on Lake Michigan on the side of the road. It was random and fun and hubby jumped into the water. 

In Petoskey we again saw Lake Michigan, had some awesome lunch and coffee from my favorite coffee place and then headed to Charlevoix. Petoskey is one of my favorite cities in Michigan. 

In Charlevoix we saw this awesome castle and gardens and then went to the beach on Lake Michigan!

I made a picture frame collage from some postcards, pictures I took, and little things and tickets ect from our vacation. I make one for every vacation we take together!

Sorry that was so picture heavy from my vacation! The rest of July was just spent relaxing and going back to work.

This month in August im going to spend sometime working on myself, and joining my friend Elle from ellesees in her #jals challenge! She is working on herself and getting healthy and so am I! Some of my goals are to get back into fitness and yoga, and eating healthy. I'm trying to stop eating meat and dairy so that will be my main focus this month. 

Here is my document your life video, and I hope you all enjoyed this peek into my life!